Heading a soccer ball is neither a simple skill nor a single skill to be taught and trained. There are a variety of heading techniques that need to be learned by players. Coaches need to be able to recognize and teach the component parts of each type of heading. This video series is designed to help minimize the possibility of injury when heading a soccer ball. This generation of players are the best video learners in the history of the planet and our coaching, and their learning, needs to be assisted with correct form video for them to emulate.
Interactive Video
When any skill is complex or there is considered an element of danger for the athlete, then it is more appropriate to break down the complex movement into its constituent parts. The parts can then be taught and then linked together to develop the final skill. When learning heading in simplified sections of the complex skill, it is important that players first see video or live demonstration of what the whole skill they are working on looks like.
Coaches who are going to be teaching a particular heading technique should send the players on his or her team this video of what that particular type of heading they will work on in the upcoming practice looks like. Once players see the "whole" skill and the parts they are going to perform in practice to learn the complex skill, they are going to learn heading much quicker and perform it better than simply taking them through the exercise.
Coaches who are going to be teaching a particular heading technique should send the players on his or her team this video of what that particular type of heading they will work on in the upcoming practice looks like. Once players see the "whole" skill and the parts they are going to perform in practice to learn the complex skill, they are going to learn heading much quicker and perform it better than simply taking them through the exercise.